USDA-GIPSA approval

FGIS Performance Verified Aflatoxin Test Kit :


Mf: Romer Labs

Detection Method : Agra Vision Reader - Model 10002418

Range : 5-300 ppb

Approved commodities : corn (Water-Based Extraction)

(including Dent or Field Corn, Corn Meal, Corn Flour, Cracked Corn, Corn Grits or Polenta, and Corn screenings) 

FGIS Performance Verified Fumonisin Test Kit :

Test Name : AGRASTRIP Quantitative Total Fumonisin (FUM) Test

Mf: Romer Labs

Detection Method : Agra Vision Reader - Model 10002418

Range : 0.5-30 ppb

Approved commodities : corn (Water-Based Extraction)

(including Dent or Field Corn, Corn Meal, Corn Flour, Cracked Corn, Corn Grits or Polenta, and Corn screenings) 

FGIS Performance Verified Zearalenone Test Kit :

Test Name : AgraStrip Zearalenone Quantitative Test WATEX

Mf: Romer Labs

Detection Method : Agra Vision Reader - Model 10002418

Range : 100-1000 ppb

Approved commodities : corn (Water-Based Extraction) 

(including Dent or Field Corn, Corn Meal, Corn Flour, Cracked Corn, Corn Grits or Polenta, and Corn screenings)

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