การตรวจนับจุลชีพในตัวอย่างของเหลว Membrane filter method

Commonly tested parameters ( Water Analysis )

  • Heterotrophic Bacteria in water (AQ),
  • Ecoli and Coliform (EC),
  • Enterococcus (ETC),
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA)
  • Salmonella (SL)


Sample Preparation


For indicator organisms (AQ, EC, ETC, and PA):

For samples with very low microbial load (e.g potable water) 

- Filter 100ml of liquid sample using a 47mm membrane filter with 0.45µ pore size.

For samples with low to high microbial load (e.g surface water and waste water) 

- Directly inoculate 1ml of sample or if suspected to be high, dilute to 10-1 using sterile diluent.


For Pathogen (SL):

Direct – Measure 100ml water sample and dilute with 100ml sterile double strength Buffered Peptone Water (BPW).

Filtration – Filter 100ml water sample and transfer filter to 100ml sterile BPW.


Regulatory Limits

Refer to Word Health Organization (WHO), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), or other local regulatory bodies.

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